The Purpose

Book Reviews from the 2nd Edition:

The Purpose

Learning how to experience life through a different lens

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Unveiling the Depths of Psychology through Book Reviews

By Better Brain Better Life
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What a wonderful book! I love the way Rick Lindal takes the wisdom teachings of Seth and Victor Frankl and makes them so accessible. This book has the best take on the relationship between fate and free will that I have yet encountered. I am using the core belief teachings in my daily life. I also enjoyed learning about Rikki’s personal journey through life, and his victories. I read it through without making notes or underlining. As soon as I finished I started it again so that I could highlight the teachings that really spoke to me. I highly recommend this book for those who see themselves on a psycho-spiritual development path.
Toronto Reader
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I bought my first copy of this book several months ago. I read it once and loaned it to a friend who loaned it to her mother. I’ve been thinking about the concepts and wanted to read it again so I bought another copy for myself and a third copy to lend. The author has presented very complex issues in an easy for me to understand fable.
By Audrey Jolly
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I really enjoyed reading Slice of Life. It’s heart centered, accessible, informative, fanciful with elves and characters such as Old Soul. Embedded in the story are some very deep, thought-provoking concepts. I found myself in anticipation of the answers as they were revealed in the book. I took it to the country for the weekend and felt I went on an extended adventure … a delightful read which I highly recommend.
By Maureen Goldstein
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Rick, I think that your book is perfect for these times. You have a wonderful way of making the multi-dimensions feel like a natural extension of living in 3D, and as we walk with Rikki through his awakening journey, we also have the opportunity to awaken to our own. This happens to be a fairy-tale that is more real than tale. You have captured the joy and curiosity of the inner adventure with a flow that defies the bars of the standard perceptions we usually encounter down here. Thank you for writing this book.
By Stephen Armstrong
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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see a movie or a stage play about your life? Not just to watch your life go by again, but to see how other characters and situations have influenced you and how your choices have opened doors that brought you to where you are now? This book will give you a director’s eye view of how you relate to your life and others in it. It allows you to step out of yourself temporarily and see the many layers of yourself from all angles, and to see how you and your experiences fit together to write the story we call This Life. It will inspire you to let go a little more and enjoy who you are. You have become writer, director, actor, and audience.
By Frank M Walton
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What a revelation. Dr. Lindal and I share a mutual friend, who shared this book with me. Admittedly the cover and title did not jump out at me as the kind of book I would typically be drawn to (spiritual, usually Buddhist or Eastern thought). After it sat for a couple of months on my nightstand, my friend returned to town and I thought I’d best at least skim through it so I could return it. It was a slow start for me, but I was in for the shock of my life when I soon started to realize I couldn’t merely skim the material. I needed to highlight, revisit, absorb. And often pick myself off the floor. In a nutshell, this is a handbook for life. I wish I had this text 30 years ago. It certainly would have saved me so much time in understanding why we’re here. If you’ve ever pondered the mystery of life, you owe it to yourself to at least explore the journey presented here. Possibly the single most important work on spirituality I’ve ever read.